Meryl Ain


Meryl Ain

Meryl Ain

Historical Fiction, Women's Fiction, Advice & How To, General Nonfiction

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  • Member Since

    Jun 2020

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    21 May

  • Profession

    Author, Writer, Educator


Meryl Ain’s articles and essays have appeared in Huffington Post, The New York Jewish Week, Kveller, The New York Times, Newsday and other publications. In 2014, she co-authored the award-winning book, The Living Memories Project: Legacies That Last, and in 2016, wrote a companion workbook, My Living Memories Project Journal. The Takeaway Men is her first novel.

The Takeaway Men is the result of her life-long quest to learn more about the Holocaust, a thirst that was first triggered by reading The Diary of Anne Frank in the sixth grade. While teaching high school history, she introduced her students to the study of the Holocaust. At the same time, she also developed an enduring fascination with teaching about and researching the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case. Both of these topics are themes in The Takeaway Men.

Meryl holds a BA from Queens College, an MA from Teachers College, Columbia University, and an Ed.D. from Hofstra University. She is a career educator. She lives in New York with her husband, Stewart. They have three married sons and six grandchildren. This is her first novel.

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